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The Very End
S3 licensed
Also I wrote wrong! The right artist is "Colapse Under The Empire"
Great band!

And what mate me great? Sex and alcohol?
The Very End
S3 licensed
The ****? I knew she was cheating on me! That slut!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Well welcome mate
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from seniecka :Yeah - GIAA is the best post rock band for me. That's for sure. I am the biggest fan of this band. And I do adore post rock music a lot. Actually, I was in GIAA concert here, in Lithuania, in my study town - Vilnius in late November, last year. What a concert! I was jumping like a mad man!!! So much fun!

My the most favorite song of GIAA - Radau. It's absolutely mind blowing.
And yeah.. Forever Lost is a great, great tune!

I do like other post rock bands, such as: Caspian, Saxon Shore, Explosions in the Sky - great bands.

Oh my god I envy you!
Next time they have a consert in your vicinity, please let me know so I can join and crash on ypur coach / sofa :hyper:
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from seniecka :You won my sympathy. :lovies3d:

That band is awesome, also check out following bands:
Nevermind The Name

Post Rock is so damn good!
One of my favorite songs is "God Is An Astronaut - Forever Lost"
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Sobis :Sure you do, Tor, sure you do....

Oh come on, we all know that LFSForum is one huge COCKpit with sexual frustated oldies and basement virgins fighting for forum dominance.
The Very End
S3 licensed
What is the story behind the picture?
Who with their right minds would let you be in a COCKpit? (I love that word) ;D
The Very End
S3 licensed
Now thats one way to clean the topic..
Well, back to topic.
I am not sure how to think of this man, basically because I lack much knowlege about him, but from what I have understood of the little I have read he did great amounts of work to help the poor people in his country - a good man maybe?

It is also fun how America (the president) has desided to be the kid who does not care to condolence.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from VicaNo :Lfs s3 is coming 1.april.2013

The Very End
S3 licensed
It indeed has rallypack. Why else than that (any maybe pussies) would make me play something like it???
The Very End
S3 licensed
It's expensive yes, but it is still good entertainment it seems.
And the drivers I have encountered (pick up racing) seems to be more mature than the standard LFS driver. I might just be lucky I dunno, but enjoyed every race so far and no wrecking, even on rookie class.

Giving it a 3 month test and we'll see how it turns out, so far it's still good fun and realistic enough for me. Ofc it has it's flaws - like everything else, but it's fun, and that is what is important.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Thank you for answers
What is that bonus thingy? It means I can get more tracks / cars for no blood-prize money?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Using latest version of Firefox, seems fast here. Tested 5 minutes ago.

If I buy stuff to the game, and then forget to re-sub before the subscribtion time runs out, do I lose everything? Or will I be able to play with everything I bought to the account if I renew the gametime?
The Very End
S3 licensed
It was fast and ok for me the last week, but when getting at the computer tonight it's completely broken. Have to reload each page at least 3 timers before it shows up right
Also the ping to their servers is much higher than usual.

Edit: Seems it is ok now. Good ping and responsive page.
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
Someone else struggles with slow Iracing page today and big lags?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Oh..? What happend with it?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from hazaky :So today I managed to finish a project that I've been working for about a month. In the last few days I've given it a lot of touch and smoothing. I hope you guys like it..

On my site (+ download link):
On Youtube:
On Soundcloud:

Not my type of music, but it sounds superb to be "homemade".
So music wise this is pretty damn good!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Think I'll wait on next version. By the way, you mean the Ultimate Carnage version yes?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :was it flatout when u had to play darts an shit with the car and the guy flew out?

Yup lol ; D
The Very End
S3 licensed
Oh ok! Dunno how that works or if I have mutch. Think i have around 1600 ish rating or something. I guess one million is the goal? ;p
The Very End
S3 licensed
Ah ok, so my best advice is to practise til Im a level B or A licensed driver before looking for a team?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Hotlapping has allways been to find any possible way to get fastest. Unrealistic ways to drive, unrealistic aids (macro clutch etc) doubtfull lines and so on. However, it does not remove the fact that some people are insanely fast and have done huge amounts of practice.

I think people need to chill and don't be so high on their horses. For me a good racer is one whi does his / her best to drive sportman-like, and at same time a re fast. It takes more skills to be able to be fast in a dynamic enviroment than a steril hotlap enviroment.

But again, they are much faster then what I ever can dream to be, so congratulation for beein gso fast. You other jelous people - chill the **** out lol

Edit: sorry for all the misspellings, on a phone.
The Very End
S3 licensed
God Is An Astronaut : Decay
The Very End
S3 licensed
Is it possible to make teams and such in Iracing? If so, someone wants me? ;p
Class D road license with low rating (done no races in this class yet). Still rookie on oval since I have like no races with it yet. I do have the normal 3 month pacake and currently having an blast with the mazda cup.

Named Tor Ole Lerbaek
The Very End
S3 licensed
A game is not just about having an graphic engine, it is so much more.
The devs have also said that they are working on the susbensions so the tyres does not seem to be floating in air.

I agree it seems to be much of the old, but that is also what we love